What are the fines for lost, damaged, or late items?


Existing overdue fines and fees can be viewed in your Library Account. After signing in to your account, you can click on your name on the top right corner and select “Library Card”. Please contact the library library@iit.edu or visit the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Galvin Library before paying overdue fines and lost item fees. Visit the library's Fines and Fees Guide for more information on paying fines.

Late Fines 

No overdue fines will be charged for items from the Galvin Library circulation collections excluding course reserves, equipment, and other special materials as outlined below. 

Special Materials 

Late Fine

Maximum Late Fine

Reserve Items (textbooks)

$5.00 per hour



$5.00 per hour



$5.00 per hour


Wifi Hotspots

$5.00 per day



$5.00 per day


Power Cords

$5.00 per hour


Power Cords - replacement fee




The late return of library materials prevents other users from having access to the materials. A system-generated email notice will be sent to you when an item becomes overdue. You are responsible for knowing your items' due dates.

Late fines and fees exceeding $50.00 for students and $100.00 for IIT Staff and Faculty will result in a block, preventing the patron from checking out new library material until the charges have been addressed.

Lost Item Replacement Fees

Library items not returned or renewed 35 days after the due date will be declared lost. You will be billed a replacement fee for the cost of the missing material. The maximum fine for an overdue/lost book is $125.00. If a lost book is returned, the replacement fee will be waived. A direct replacement copy for a lost book may be accepted at the discretion of library staff. Replacement copies need not be brand new, but they must be in good condition and have a matching ISBN to the lost copy. Replacement copies must not be former circulating copies of another library. 

Unresolved lost item fees on borrower accounts will result in the placement of a Library Hold in Banner. This may prevent the registration of new classes or requesting transcripts, among other possible administrative holds. Library Holds will be removed immediately upon the resolution of a lost item: either through the item’s return, the provision of a replacement copy, or the payment of the lost item fee. The library does not give refunds for paid replacement costs if items are found and returned.

Damaged Items

Damaged IIT items returned to the Libraries are considered Lost, and must be paid for or replaced in accordance with the appropriate Lost Item Replacement Fees. Unresolved damaged item fees on borrower accounts will result in the placement of a Library Hold in Banner.

Fines and Fees from Other Institutions

Fines and fees that are charged to you by other institutions must be paid directly to the respective institution. Here is contact information for I-Share institutions. If you need assistance in identifying the lending institution and items in question, you can contact our Circulation Desk.

Paying Fines

Fines must be paid online. No cash payments will be accepted. Before you pay your fine, contact the library at library@iit.edu so that the correct amount can be verified. Fines can be paid here.

Patron Blocks and Registration Holds

Your library account will be blocked if you have $50.0 or more in outstanding fines. A block on your account prevents you from borrowing additional books and library materials and from renewing items you already have checked out. 

Unpaid lost items replacement fee may prevent your registration for classes. If a lost item is returned, the replacement fee will be waived.  

Please return lost items or pay library bills promptly. 

Appealing Fines

If you feel that you have been billed in error, contact the Circulation Desk library@iit.edu.


  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 213
  • Answered By Sean Murphy

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