Does the library have textbooks? How can I search them?


The library hosts a Course Reserve collection, which can be searched here.

Textbooks and other course reserve material allow students to use items set aside by faculty to assist in coursework. This may include textbooks, reading material, practice exams, problem sets, etc. For questions on reserves, contact the Reserves Specialist at

Print Reserve materials are available only at the Circulation Desk. This includes books, videos, textbooks, and other copyrighted material. These materials can only be checked out by the IIT community, or I-Share members, and must be returned during the allotted loan period (usually 2 hours). Library users are only allowed to check out one reserve item at a time. Reserve materials cannot be renewed and must be returned directly to the Circulation Desk. There is a 15-minute waiting period before re-borrowing a returned reserve item.

It is not library policy, nor practice, to purchase circulating copies of textbooks for students.

  • Last Updated Sep 19, 2024
  • Views 2164
  • Answered By Jose Garcia

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