Are there resources for distance learners?
Our guide for distance learners has the most detailed information available on the resources available for distance learners, but in short, yes, there are resources for distance learning!
Online resources and library research services are available to all students, regardless of whether they are on-campus or off-campus. To access online resources like ebooks and articles from off campus, you will just need to login using your MyIIT portal username and password.
For off-campus learners who need access to limited portions of physical items, the library supports a limited amount of document scanning - for example, a single book chapter or article. Use our interlibrary loan service, MyILL, to place these requests, and be sure to note that you are a distance learner in the "Notes" field.
For full physical items, like entire books, services will vary depending on the item and where the distance learner is located. Please consult our guide for distance learners to learn more the options available to you.
If you have any questions about the resources available to you, please don't hesitate to contact the library directly to learn more.