How can I get articles or books through interlibrary loan?


Interlibrary loan is a service where libraries all around the world share items in their collections. To place an interlibrary loan request:

  1. Click the Interlibrary Loan Link.
  2. Choose the first button ("Illinois Institute of Technology Faculty, Staff, and Students") to login in with your myIIT credentials.
  3. Click the link on the right side of the page that says "Create Request." (The request will default to an article. Requests can also be made for books and theses and dissertations).
  4. Enter the appropriate information and click "Submit."

You will receive an email when a PDF is ready for you to download or a physical book is available for pick-up. Articles usually take anywhere from 1-7 business days, while books may take up to three weeks.

  • Last Updated Apr 08, 2024
  • Views 977
  • Answered By Yi Han

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