How do I access electronic books (eBooks)?


You can find eBooks by using the library catalog, the same tool used to find physical books. Follow these steps:

1. Search for a specific book title, an author, or a topic in the search bar. Then, click the Search button.

2. On the right side of the results page, find the Availability box. Select “Available online.”

3. Find the book you’d like within the results and click on the “Available Online” link .

Depending on the eBook's publisher, you may be able to: download the book entirely; download a limited amount, such as 1-2 chapters; or only read the book in a web browser.

Please note that most eBooks owned by other institutions can only be used by their students, so you will receive an error if you try to access an eBook owned by another school.

  • Last Updated Oct 02, 2020
  • Views 428
  • Answered By Andrea Jakubas

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